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In her artistic practice, margarita wenzel delves into the subjectivity of knowledge, the ruptures present in historical narratives, and the intricate nature of human perception. Her approach isn’t confined to a particular medium but is committed to exploratory research.

Extensive investigations form a cornerstone of wenzel’s artistic endeavors, encompassing research conducted within cultural and scientific archives along with engaging in dialogues with contemporary witnesses. This exploration phase is succeeded by an intensive and interdisciplinary creative process, where various mediums like photography, sound, video, and drawing are given equal significance. Ultimately, these distinct works are interlinked to construct multi-layered narrative structures manifested in complex spatial installations or closely intertwined ensembles.


2024 – 2025 RESIDENCY FABRIQUE, Fondacion Fiminco, Paris

2024 Project Funding, Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony

2024 Exhibition Funding, Karin and Uwe Hollweg Foundation

2022 Kickstarter, Special Funding Program of NEUSTART KULTUR

2022 Working Grant, Cultural Office Leipzig

2021 – 2022 Working Grant, Art Foundation Saxony-Anhalt

2020 – 2021 Graduate Grant, State of Saxony-Anhalt


2024 Digitization project Parchment, State Archives of Saxony, Dresden, Projectmanager

2023 Digitization project Cartography, German National Library Leipzig, Image processing

2024 Collectively Crossing: Affiliation Bridges: KV Leipzig/BOARC, Liverpool

since 2023 Board of KV Leipzig, Association for Contemporary Art Leipzig

since 2022 4×3, Art in Architecture, Naumburg Cathedral


2019 – 2020 Postgraduate Studies: Master Class, Prof. Julia Kröpelin, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle

2018 Diploma Degree, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle

2013 – 2018 Study of Fine Arts, Major in Textile Arts, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle

2013 Intermediate Diploma, Bauhaus Essentials 2012/2013 award, Bauhaus-University Weimar

2012 Semester Abroad, Minneapolis College of Art & Design, USA

2010 Study of Fine Arts, Bauhaus-University Weimar



Urbane Stille, 48H Neukölln Festival, Berlin

Shine Bright Like, a&o Kunsthalle, Leipzig


Tender Points, Haunt, Berlin

On Singularities and Common Grounds, KV Leipzig, Leipzig

Local Stories, Art Foundation of Saxony-Anhalt, Halle


Einschnitt, Art in Architecture, Naumburg Cathedral


graduiert ≈ präsentiert, Burg Gallery at Volkspark, Halle

Solum. Über Böden und Erdhorizonte, Burg Media Center, Halle

Lichtspiel/-theater, Solo, BHROX, Berlin


Latent Space, Spinnerei Complex, Leipzig

Stillstand. Eine Ausstellung auf Zeit, BLECH Raum für Kunst Halle e.V., Halle

kadragen, Solo, VIKA e.V., Halle


Aufeinanderbezogensein, Solo, Chambre, Halle

Parcours. Diplome der Kunst, Burg Gallery at Volkspark, Halle

Bindung und Differenz, Willi-Sitte-Gallery, Merseburg